
Empowering Inclusive Cultures for Women's Health and Wellbeing

Welcome to Work With Women’s Wellbeing

At Work With Women’s Wellbeing, we believe in creating workplaces where women can thrive, where their voices are heard, and where their health and wellbeing are priorities. Our mission is to break down barriers, challenge stigmas, and support leaders in creating working environments that allow women to bring their whole selves to work.

Why We Exist

From the earliest stages of womanhood to the later chapters of life, there are moments that define us as women. We understand that discussing female health matters, from menstruation to menopause and beyond, can be uncomfortable in many workplaces. But it shouldn't be.

We're here to change that.

Our Approach

Through education, training, and empowerment, we're transforming workplaces into inclusive spaces where women's health and wellbeing are valued and celebrated. We collaborate with organisations to equip leaders with the knowledge and tools they need to support their female employees effectively.

Our commitment extends beyond leadership. We also provide a wealth of information and education for colleagues, fostering understanding and empathy across the entire organisation.

Who we are

Work With Women’s Wellbeing was founded by two women who are passionate about creating change:

Dr. Louise Taylor: With a background as a GP specialising in female health, Dr. Taylor brings a deep understanding of the medical aspects of women's wellbeing.

Emily Perry: As an experienced HR Director and Executive Coach, Emily Perry brings her expertise in creating inclusive workplaces and supporting professional growth.

Our Evolution

What began as an initiative focused on 'Work with The Menopause' has now grown into a comprehensive resource for all aspects of female health and wellbeing. We recognised that women's needs extend far beyond menopause, from fertility to miscarriage and every milestone in between.

Join Us in Making a Difference

At Work With Women’s Wellbeing, we're more than a service; we're a movement. We invite you to join us in shaping a future where women feel empowered, supported, and heard. Let's break the silence, dismantle stigmas, and build a community where women can flourish both personally and professionally.

Explore our services, engage with our educational resources, and be part of the change. Together, we're creating workplaces that prioritise women's health and champion their wellbeing.